Below is the information that used to be on my Patreon. Saved for posterity. But things have changed.
I’m a writer at heart. I have a fictional blog I’ve been planning for years now, and I’m going to use this Patreon as a way of holding myself accountable to actually writing it. I also plan on writing short stories based on the blog about once a month and put them on Amazon for sale as Kindle e-Books. There are a few novels in me also, but those will come with time. For some examples of my writing, feel free to peruse my website at
The problem is that I’m constantly trying to find work as a freelancer and I’m also constantly dealing with a long standing depression. The depression is under control. However, the income is not. And therefore, I’ve never had the time to really work on my dream of being a content creator, whether through writing or YouTube videos or both. So I thought to myself, “Saph… (because I call myself Saph in my head.) Why not make this Patreon and try to use the money as a way of making money with your creativity without having to write 500 word articles on the best insurance choices for Philadelphia?” (That’s the kind of freelance writing I do. It pays some bills… but it is very easy to get burnt out on it.)