Editorial Bayalee Fox a.k.a. @itsmebayalee I’ve been pushing this particular artist all over the place on the interwebs. She’s known as Bayalee Fox1. She is my daughter’s friend. I
Advice You are an amazing human being! #yaaahb I recently did something that felt weird. I posted a tweet that said “You are beautiful!” I didn’t target it to anyone. I just let it
Creating January 2016 Update - I'm Still Alive It’s been almost exactly a year since last time I posted on this site. I apologize for that. A lot has happened in the last year that has kept
Poetry I Can Remember Death gleefully hugged her only years ago. I can remember the existence of my mom. I remember I loved her. I remember the way she skipped out of a restaurant
Anecdote Turning 40 You know. I turned 40 almost 5 hours ago. I’d love to be able to write something profound. My 40 years of experience had to create some kind
Advice Writing Tips: The Conversational Style My style of writing is a bane to college professors everywhere. I normally end up with lower grades because of it, but I don’t really mind. It’s the
Anecdote Top Ten Ways to Amuse Yourself When You're Sick as a Dog So while being stuck in bed because you’ve got the flu, or your foot was operated on, there are always ways of amusing yourself. Some are rather obvious,
Poetry Love is... Love is like a rose, covered in pain. Trying to understand it will drive you insane. People have tried to learn how it makes you feel, But the thing about
Anecdote 3 Reasons I am Afraid of Turn Signals Turn signals are a wonderful invention. They let people know when a driver is going to make a turn. They also let drivers know when a lane change will be
Advice Five Bucks per Hour for Entertainment Five bucks? Yep. Five bucks. Here is what I’m proposing that has worked well for me in the past when it comes to deciding what entertainment to buy:
Anecdote A Question About Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder that is associated with progressive dementia that ultimately terminates in death. What would it be like to lose many if not all of
Humor Free Time After 2 a.m. If you’ve seen the television show, “How I Met Your Mother,” you probably know about the rule to never do anything after 2 a.m. I
Anecdote This is My Scream Have you ever woke up and realized you’ve lost hope? Have you ever woke up and realized there was a stone wall around your soul keeping everything good
Anecdote No. I Mean Really Bad Luck. Quite a few things have happened in my life in just the last couple of days. Well, ok. Only one thing. But it’s composed of many little things.
Fiction Matrix Online: Matthew Corsair Following is a piece of fan fiction I wrote a couple of years back and just recently found again. It was written while I was playing a game called Matrix
Humor Some Random Things About Me I mentioned that random conversations can be fun. And I’m also currently fishing for comments.1 So what I’m going to do is list a random
Advice Writing Tips: Read. “Huh? Read to write?” Well, yeah. Here are five simple facts about how reading makes your writing better: Reading increases your vocabulary. That should speak for itself. But
Anecdote The Heart Problem It begins with that tight feeling in your chest. That feeling that makes you hope you’ve only trapped some carbon dioxide a little bit below your throat. It
Advice Writing Tips: Commit. OK, so here it goes, I’m going to give you one of the biggest tips you could ever have for writing: Commit. Commit the pen to paper. Commit
Anecdote The World is Empty This is in response to a question from Queue: If everyone on the planet stopped existing but you, but the world, in it’s current state, was left exactly
Anecdote I remember... I remember that day when we found out we were pregnant. My wife’s face began shining with light from her heart. Our thoughts instantly went to diapers, cribs,
Advice Writing Tips: Topics, Topics, Topics. Topics. That’s right. I said topics. Topics. Topics. Topics. Topics. Topics. Topics. Topics. Topics. I know. I’m spamming my own post with the word “topics.” No, I’m
Editorial Education and Change Is change always good and necessary? Why or why not? The answer to this question depends on the context of the change. If we’re speaking of education, which I’
Anecdote Katrina This is the true story of the storm that attacked Louisiana as seen from my eyes and the way I remember it. I sat in a chair facing the open
Advice A Real Husband I’m not the perfect husband. Nobody can be. It just doesn’t happen. Why do I mention this? Because I am one of those guys that “hears all, sees